Train Austria

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Find train tickets to Austria

Find cheap train tickets to Austria thanks to our quick and simple search engine which compares train tickets from all the major train companies. All key information about trains in Austria are available: train stations, popular journeys, best prices and much more!

Trains to Austria

If you want to go by rail to Austria, you've come to the right page! Thanks to our search engine you can facilely find a low cost train ticket to Austria. Our performant technology compares train fares from all major train operators allow you find best prices for your travel. Austria is well served by trains that allow you to visit the most famous cities like Vienna, Salzburg, Linz, Innsbruck, Graz. This page gives you all practical information for your next journey like the best prices we found for train Austria, the best places to visit in the country and the most important journeys by train.

Best prices for train ticket Austria

Gopili has selected a list of train tickets for Austria: these are the lowest prices for the coming day. Click on tickets below to start a new search, and get more details on trains to Austria that interest you.

From To Price Departure on At Company Searched
Central Train Station
Main train station (Südtiroler Platz)
£11.60 04/05/2024 12:21 17 days ago
Kelenfold Train Station
Central Train Station
£12.20 03/05/2024 18:58 17 days ago
Central Train Station Wilsonova
Central Train Station
£12.30 04/05/2024 16:15 17 days ago
Salzbourg Hbf
Vienne Westbahnhof
£12.54 07/06/2024 19:22 3 days ago
Firenze S. M. Novella
Erdberg VIB
€70.43 02/06/2024 04:32 17 days ago
Wien Meidling
€94.90 25/04/2024 19:12 16 days ago
Wien Hbf
€100.98 07/05/2024 15:24 OUIGO 4 months ago
St Pancras International
Main Train station
€253.00 08/05/2024 11:31 25 days ago

Best price found to Austria by train for the next 180 days.

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Main cities in Austria reachable by train

Each year many travellers visit the following cities during their trip: Vienna, Salzburg, Linz, Innsbruck, Graz. The most visited city in Austria is Vienna, is well known for its events and attractions including the Hofburg, Schonbrunn Palace , Karlskirche. During you stay in Austria we recommend that you visit Salzburg which is well known for the Mozarts Geburtshaus, Hohensalzburg Fortress, Salzburg Cathedral. Travellers spend also few days in Linz to visit the pilgrimage basilica, the New Cathedral, Lentos Museum of modern art. For a true flavour of Austria, head to Innsbruck to see the Golden Roof, Hafelekarspitze, the Schloss Ambras. Many travellers also visit the city of Graz well known for Cathedral of Graz, Eggenberg Castle, the Glockenspiel.

If you want to travel by train to Austria, see below the most important cities visited by passengers last year. Let's choose yours.

Train stations in Austria

To prepare your train journey find the main train stations situated in Austria

  • Vienna Central railway station
  • Vienna Meidling railway station