Eurostar to Edinburgh

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Find cheap Eurostar ticket to Edinburgh

Compare Eurostar fares to Edinburgh using our search engine and find Eurostar tickets to or from Edinburgh at the best price.

Book Eurostar ticket to Edinburgh

Eurostar Edinburgh

Eurostar is the best way to travel from Europe to Edinburgh, crossing the Eurotunnel. Every day many trains run to Edinburgh, allowing you to visit this charming European city. Eurostar tickets are available for sale up to 6 months before, so if you book early you are sure to find a cheap Eurostar train ticket to Edinburgh.

Best price found for Eurostar to Edinburgh

Gopili finds you the best prices for train tickets to Edinburgh, offered by Eurostar. Here is a selection of Eurostar tickets to Edinburgh for the coming days, classified by price.

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> Find Eurostar tickets to Edinburgh

Station served by Eurostar in Edinburgh

Each year, many travellers visit the city of Edinburgh (located in Scotland), thanks to the train company Eurostar which offers a rapid and effortless direct journey to Edinburgh. Some Eurostar trains run non-stop to Edinburgh, other make a stop to pick up passenger in England or in Europe. At Edinburgh , Eurostar stops at Edinburgh Waverley train station, in the city centre to allow you to start your visit straight from your arrival at the station.

Cheap Eurostar to Edinburgh

We will give you all of our tips and hints to find best prices for rail ticket! So it's possible to travel with Eurostar to Edinburgh at the best price using the following advice:

First and foremost, if you have the opportunity, we recommend you to be flexible regarding to your travel dates and times, as this will allow you to benefit from the cheapest Eurostar rail tickets. Once you have been able to match your days of travel with cheap Eurostar tickets still online, do not wait, and buy your train ticket as early as possible!

Moreover, the earlier you book, the cheaper Eurostar rail ticket to Edinburgh you get. If you wait and book your train ticket just before your day of travel,train fares go up, often by several dozen pounds! You can buy Eurostar ticket to Edinburgh 24 weeks before your journey and get cheap fares.

Furthermore, Eurostar sells three types of train tickets: flexible, semi-flexible and non-flexible. As you might expect, more flexible is the ticket more expensive is the fare. If you are sure of your travel dates and times, we recommend you to purchase a non-flexible ticket. However these rail tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable but they are cheaper compared to the other ticket types.

Choose the Standard class is also a good tip to travel at a best price. In this case, the comfort levels on board are less developed than in Standard Premier or Business Premier Classes, but you will travel to Edinburgh with a cheapest Eurostar train ticket.

At last, be attentive! All year long, Eurostar offers discounts to travel for cheaper. Follow our blog to be notified of Eurostar's latest discount offers. You can get 20% off train tickets on journeys from London to Paris for example.

With this advice you can make great savings and find a cheap train ticket for your next travel to Edinburgh.

Travel information Eurostar to Edinburgh

When you travel with Eurostar to Edinburgh, you need to take your passport or a national identity card to go through security checks, both in the UK and in Europe. Don't forget that you are crossing the Channel, so one of these identity documents is required. If you travel with children they need their own passport.

One of the benefits of travelling to Edinburgh with Eurostar is that there is no luggage weight restriction. The only condition is that you have to be able to carry your own bags onto the train. Adults can take 2 bags (up to 85cm long) and 1 item of hand luggage free.

At the station you need to check in beforehand: the time you need to check in depends on the Eurostar travel class you have chosen. Check in 30 minutes before departure for Standard and Standard Premier travel class. Check in just 10 minutes before departure for Business Premier travel class.