Bus to Maidstone

Travel information for your coach to Maidstone

Find here the most important information about bus services, check-in times, travel insurance and other formalities to plan your next bus travel to Maidstone.

It's very important to arrive early before travelling. the coach company demand their passengers to arrive 30 minutes before the bus is due to depart. You need to arrive at the bus station early to have the time to load your bag and get on board comfortably.

Most coach companies like for instance the coach company allow two medium sized baggage and one small piece of hand luggage per person on coaches. Usually the maximum weight authorized is 20kg for each luggage. If you prefer to travel to Maidstone with extra luggage it's authorized but you have to pay.

To anticipate any risk during your travel in bus to Maidstone, most bus companies as the coach company propose insurance for your journey. You will check all the information about insurance for your next trip on the website of the bus company you choose for your journey.

When you use a coachcard to buy your bus ticket you have to have with you the card. The coach driver needs to see your card to let you get on the coach.

Nowadays coach operators like the coach company are changing their services to offer high comfort for travelers. Indeed, coaches become highly comfortable, with large seats, and they are equipped with toilets and air conditioning. The majority of companies offer on certain lines, buses with free WiFi and power outlets on board so you can utilize electronic devices during the trip.

Things to do in Maidstone

Discover the best of Maidstone by visiting these 6 places

  • Stoneacre
  • Little Kit's Coty House
  • The Friars - Aylesford Priory
  • Museum of Carriages
  • Maidstone Museum
  • Coffin Stone

Planning a trip when travelling to a new city can be time consuming. We want to provide you with some well-know locations that you can visit, whether you are coming for a day out or holidays. Depending on your preferences, you can then make your own itinerary and choose whether you are going to go to all of these places or only some of them.

One of the most famous place of Maidstone is Stoneacre. If you only have the time to visit 1 place, you might want to visit this one. We will also advise you to visit Museum of Carriages and Little Kit's Coty House which are also popular and great for visitors. If you got plenty of time, Maidstone is also a great starting place to explore South East England.

You may also continue your itinerary with Maidstone Museum which is another opportunity to discover the city.

If you still have enough time, you should visit the The Friars - Aylesford Priory which is also appreciated by tourists.

Our last advice if you wish to have a full picture of the city will be the Coffin Stone. Do not forget to check out the events, festivals or concerts that you can attend during your trip as it should enable you to meet locals who might be able to provide you with more tips.

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