Portsmouth The Hard coach station

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  3. Portsmouth The Hard coach station

Find ticket to or from Portsmouth The Hard coach station

Find practical information about Portsmouth The Hard coach station to plan your next bus trip with Megabus: address, phone number, next departures and coach station map. Our travel search engine will help you find cheap coaches to or from the station.

Book a ticket to or from Portsmouth The Hard bus station

To find bus tickets at departure or arrival of Portsmouth The Hard coach station, you can consult the following website which offers cheap coach tickets to or from the station.


The low-cost coach company, Megabus, offers journeys from the Portsmouth The Hard coach station at low prices all year round.

Portsmouth The Hard coach station address

The address of Portsmouth The Hard bus station is not available. However, you can see the location of the station below.

Portsmouth The Hard bus station phone number

The Portsmouth The Hard coach station phone number is not directly open to the public. If you want to have information about your travel or about Portsmouth The Hard bus station, you will find below the phone number of the customer service of the company serving this coach station.

  • Call customer service Megabus at +44 141 352 4444 (£0.10/min) from 8am to 8pm

Reachable destination from Portsmouth The Hard

Located in Portsmouth, the Portsmouth The Hard coach station allows travellers to travel easily in a large number of cities in the United Kingdom and Europe with Megabus. Here is the list of main cities available from the Portsmouth The Hard coach station:

Information for your bus trip from Portsmouth The Hard coach station

For your next travel from Portsmouth The Hard coach station find below some helpful information concerning formalities to prepare your trip as luggage allowance, travel insurance, check-in, services on bus…

For your departure from Portsmouth The Hard coach station Megabus offer travel insurance for bags, cancellation or repatriation. To find more information about it you can take a look at the following website .

Come at least 30 minutes before departure to Portsmouth The Hard coach station for boarding. If you arrive just fifteen minutes before, Megabus can no more guarantee that you will be allowed to board the coach going to your arrival station.

In recent years coach companies like Megabus have made major changes to their buses to provide high quality service for trips from Portsmouth The Hard coach station. Some coaches are fitted with WiFi and power outlets. Concerning bags allowance it's better if you phone the customer service.